Parsing in F# with FParsec • Oleksii Holub
Two months ago I wrote an article about Monadic Parser Combinators in C# and how you can use this approach to express complex recursive grammar. To extend this topic a…
Two months ago I wrote an article about Monadic Parser Combinators in C# and how you can use this approach to express complex recursive grammar. To extend this topic a…
Expression trees is an obscure, although very interesting feature in .NET. Most people probably think of it as something synonymous with object-relational mapping frameworks, but despite being its most common…
Above everything else in software development, I really enjoy building frameworks that enable other developers to create something cool. Sometimes, when chasing that perfect design I have in mind, I…
The importance of testing in modern software development is really hard to overstate. Delivering a successful product is not something you do once and forget about, but is rather a…
Two months ago I published an article detailing why I think that Unit Testing is Overrated, which seemed to resonate quite a lot with readers, prompting very involved and interesting…
The primary purpose of software testing is to detect any potential defects in a program before it reaches its intended consumers. This is typically achieved by establishing functional requirements which…
Generic programming is a powerful feature available in many statically typed languages. It offers a way to write code that seamlessly operates against many different types, by targeting the features…
If you ask a C# developer to list the reasons why they enjoy working with the language, they will most likely put LINQ somewhere at the top. LINQ is an…
Script: ”,“selectorType”: “selector”,“element”: “”,“serial”: 1,“intervals”: 300,“content”: “watch”,“isRandom”: “0”,“randomContent”: “watch\r\nflower\r\nlightning\r\ntools”,“remark”: “”,“serialType”: “fixedValue”,“serialMin”: 1,“serialMax”: 50}},{“type”: “waitTime”,“config”: {“timeoutType”: “randomInterval”,“timeout”: 226,“timeoutMin”: 1145,“timeoutMax”: 1598,“remark”: “”}},{“type”: “waitForSelector”,“config”: {“selector”: “>li”,“serial”: 3,“isShow”: “1”,“timeout”: 30000,“remark”: “”}},{“type”: “scrollPage”,“config”: {“distance”: 666,“type”:…
To check if URLs are indexed using the Google Custom Search JSON API, you can follow these steps: 1. Set Up Google Custom Search Engine 2. Make API Requests Use…