Side bar Y8 game script


<iframe data-google-container-id="a!2" data-load-complete="true" frameborder="0" height="250" id="ad-iframe" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="ad-iframe" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" scrolling="no" src=";output=html&amp;adk=2062069824&amp;adf=3025194257&amp;lmt=1705043566&amp;w=300&amp;rafmt=11&amp;format=300x250&amp;url=;host=ca-host-pub-6129580795478709&amp;" style="border: 0; width: 300px;"></iframe>

Key Attributes and Parameters

  1. data-google-container-id="a!2":
    • This attribute is used by Google to manage and identify the ad container. It’s part of Google’s ad serving technology and doesn’t affect the visual display of the ad.
  2. data-load-complete="true":
    • Indicates that the iframe has completed loading its content. This attribute is also used by Google to track the ad load status.
  3. frameborder="0":
    • Sets the frame border to zero, removing any border around the iframe. This ensures a clean display without any visible borders.
  4. height="250":
    • Specifies the height of the iframe in pixels. In this case, it’s set to 250 pixels.
  5. id="ad-iframe":
    • Assigns a unique identifier to the iframe. This ID can be used for styling or JavaScript interactions.
  6. marginheight="0" and marginwidth="0":
    • Sets the margins of the iframe to zero. This controls the space between the iframe’s content and its border.
  7. name="ad-iframe":
    • Provides a name for the iframe, which can be used in JavaScript or for targeting.
  8. sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation":
    • Defines the sandboxing restrictions for the iframe. These attributes control what the iframe is allowed to do, such as running scripts or navigating top-level browsing contexts.
  9. scrolling="no":
    • Disables scrolling within the iframe. This ensures that the ad content does not include scrollbars.
  10. src=";output=html&amp;adk=2062069824&amp;adf=3025194257&amp;lmt=1705043566&amp;w=300&amp;rafmt=11&amp;format=300x250&amp;url=;host=ca-host-pub-6129580795478709&amp;":
    • The src attribute specifies the URL of the ad content. It includes:
      • client=ca-pub-3253818208287559: Your AdSense Publisher ID, which identifies the ad account.
      • output=html: Specifies that the ad should be rendered in HTML format.
      • adk=2062069824: A key related to the ad content.
      • adf=3025194257: An identifier for the ad format.
      • lmt=1705043566: A timestamp for the ad.
      • w=300 and format=300x250: The dimensions of the ad (300×250 pixels).
      • url= The URL where the ad is served or linked.
      • host=ca-host-pub-6129580795478709: The hosting account for the ad.
  11. style="border: 0; width: 300px;":
    • Applies inline CSS styles to the iframe. It sets the border to zero and the width to 300 pixels, matching the ad’s dimensions.


The iframe element is used to embed a Google AdSense advertisement on a webpage. It is configured to display a 300×250 pixel ad, with specific settings to control its appearance and functionality. The ad is served from Google’s ad network, using your AdSense Publisher ID for tracking and payment purposes.

By admin

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